Tema: Al-Qur’an Dakwah & Komunikasi
Moderator: Sahlul Fuad, M.A
No. | Judul | Penulis | |
1 | Discourse of Music on Social Media: Contestation over the Interpretation of Propositions and the Ideological Background of Da’wah Figures | Wahab Nur Kadri,
dkk |
wahabnurkadri@ptiq.ac.id |
2. | Contemporary Da’wah Strategy in Implementing Pancasila as A Basic for Developing Islamic Da’wah | Yasser Muda Lubis, dkk | yassermudalubis@ptiq.ac.id |
3. | A Multidimensional Approach to Authentication of the Qur’an | Nurbaiti, Saiful Bahri, Eman Sulaeman | nurbaiti@ptiq.ac.id |
4. | The Qur’an and the Concept of Sacret Nature as an Effort to Preserve the Environment | Abdul Muid Nawawi, Ilya Syafa’atun Ni’mah, Iffah Al Walidah | balesaloe@gmail.com |
5 | Analysis of the Word Yadun in the Qur’an (Implementation of Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Theory) | Ayu Festian Larasati | festianayu2@gmail.com |
6 | A Transcendental Existentialist Hermeneutic for the Philosophy of Interpretation | Mulyani dan Azirul Suwar | mulyani@ptiq.ac.id arizulmbo@gmail.com |
7 | Initiating Gender Writing Method in The Qur’an Interpretation: Study of Indonesian Mufassir Contemporery Thought | Nur Arfiyah Febriani, Badru Tamam |
Link Zoom Panel Dakwah:
Meeting ID: 979 6193 2172
Passcode: PTIQ
Tema: Al-Qur’an Syariah & Hukum
Moderator: Dr. Rusdi Hamka Lubis, M.Si
No. | Judul | Penulis | |
1 | Qibla in the Perspective of the Quran and Islamic Law; | Sunarto, Andi Iswandi, Muhamad Soleh | sunarto@ptiq.ac.id
2. | Interpretation Of Women’s Hakiki Justice Perspective : Recognizing New Meanings In The Quran With A Gender Spirit | Nur Rofiah & Arifah Millati Agustina | nur.rofiah@staff.uinjkt.ac.id |
3. | Inheritance Distribution Practices: The Influence Of Al-Qur’an, Local Customs, And Equality Perspectives | Rusdi Hamka Lubi & Andi Iswandi. | rusdihamka@ptiq.ac.id |
4. | حق الزواج: دراسة سياق آيات أحكام الزواج من مختلف الديانة | Novi Yuspita Sari & Musa Wardi | Noviyuspita09@gmail.com |
5 | Analysis Of Islamic Fiscal Policy In Addressing Income Inequality In Indonesia; | Imron Natsir & Muhammad Najib. | imronnatsir@ptiq.ac.id |
6 | Dynamic Model Of Digital Money Circulation In Indonesia Dual Economic System | Patria Yunita, Mohamadtahir Cheumar, dkk | patriayunita@ptiq.ac.id |
7 | Character Education from the Perspective of the Qur’an, Its Relevance for Youth in the Digital Era. | Khasnah Syaidah & Dewi Maharani | saidahasna@ptiq.ac.id |
Link Zoom Panel Syariah: https://zoom.us/j/93662588425?pwd=aPofCbqooWeHpa6XlJ3CvgIDwxbNaZ.1
Meeting ID: 936 6258 8425
Passcode: PTIQ
Tema: Al-Qur’an, Pendidikan & Keguruan
Moderator: Abdul Muhit, M.Pd.
No. | Judul | Penulis | |
1 | The Though Of The Kaum Tua And The Kaum Muda
In The Qur’anic Tafsir Of Minangkabau |
Aldomi Putra, M.Darwis Hude, Muhammad Hariyadi | aldomi.putra@ptiq.ac.id m.darwishude@ptiq.ac.id m.hariyadi@ptiq.ac.id |
2. | The Variety Of Learning Theories From The Perspective Of Holy Qur’an
And Their Relevance To The Zillenial Era |
Aas Siti Sholichah, dkk | sitisholichah@ptiq.ac.id |
3. | Revolutionizing Quran-Based Education In Indonesia: Embracing Digital Technologies And Islamic Values | Nur Afif, Adlan Nawawi, Asrori Mukhtarom | nurafif@ptiq.ac.id |
5 | Mapping the Typology of Feminist Tafsir in the Tafsir Nazarāt fī Kitabilāh by Zainab Ghazali, the First Female Mufasir of the 20th Century | Nurjanah | Nurjanah@mhsptiq.ac.id |
6 | Implementasi Metode Waḥdah Dalam Meningkatkan Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Siswa Mis Terpadu Mulia Buana Parungpanjang Bogor | Ida Hasni Farida & Kerwanto | hasnifaridaida@gmail.com |
7 | Various Approaches To Learning In The Qur’an And Their Implementation For Millennial Educators | M. Naelul Mubarok, Ade Abdul Muqit, Wildan Alwi, dkk | naelulmubarok@ptiq.ac.id |
Link Zoom Panel Tarbiyah: https://zoom.us/j/97961932172?pwd=nmbUebTOfOv1yEjDQq7KgqOy7gfVNZ.1
Meeting ID: 978 3164 3491
Passcode: PTIQ
Tema: Al-Qur’an, Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam
Moderator: Dr. Muhammad Khoirul Anwar, M.Ag
No. | Judul | Penulis | |
1 | Interpretation of Maqâshidi: Definition, History of Development and The Application” | Lufaefi | eepivanosky@gmail.com |
2. | Cohesive Structure Of The Discourse of The Text of Muqaddimah Tafsir Jalalain (Study on Endophore and Exophore References), | Abd Aziz dan Saifuddin Zuhri | abdaziz@ptiq.ac.id |
3. | Metode Interkoneksi dalam Penafsiran Al-Qur’an | M. Nurul Huda dan Andi rahman | andirahman@ptiq.ac.id |
4. | Animal Welfare in the Qur’an at the Viewpoint of Wildlife Crossings in Indonesia and the World | Iman Tauhid, M. Adibul M, Yus Budiyono | imantauhid140@gmail.com , muhammadadibulm@gmail.com |
5 | The Phenomenon Of Ibnu Katsir’ S Work In Indonesia: Case Study Of The Translation Edition | Alya Khalisa dan M. Khoirul Anwar | mailto:aliakhalisha4@gmail.com |
6 | Analysis of Shi’i Da’wah in Karang Gayam and Blu’uran-Sampang Villages Madura (Study of Religious Moderation)” | Hasiolan, Muhammad Hariyadi, Muhammad Darwis Hude | hasiolannasution@gmail.com |
7 | Problematika Manusia sebagai Antroposentrisme (Kajian Tafsir Al-Sya’rawi mengenai Pelestarian Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an) | Panji Ansari | panji.ansari@mhs.ptiq.ac.id
Link Zoom Panel Ushuluddin: https://zoom.us/j/91320951643?pwd=4W7l7aZuUEAXbzQqE4e2MvxsNZpFI3.1
Meeting ID: 913 2095 1643
Passcode: PTIQ